If you are facing a major AC repair, you may be wondering if a new AC unit might be a better option. As AC repairs start to add up, you might find yourself at this crossroad. Yeah, a repair will be cheaper, but if these start to add up, you’ll save a lot of money down the road by purchasing a new air conditioner now. Jco Heating & Air Conditioning has your solution! We have the best Cottage Grove cooling services and we can ensure you’re living comfortably. Here are some points to think about:
How old is your AC?
An air conditioner has a lifespan of around 10 years. However, it may not last that long depending on the original quality or how it was maintained over the years. If your AC is nearing 10 years old, it may not be worth it to spend a large amount on repairs if you have to replace it soon anyway.
Is efficiency important to you?
If your AC is older, it probably isn’t very efficient, which means higher utility bills for you. A new, high-efficiency AC unit could save you each month on your utility bills.
How often are you having repairs done?
Is this the first issue you’ve had or do find yourself constantly calling for service? By upgrading your air conditioner, you’ll not only be putting your money towards something that will last several years, but you’ll also have a more reliable cooling system.
Do you have an outdated AC unit? Is your air conditioner constantly dealing with repairs? If any of these pertain to you, a new air conditioner could be in your near future. Get the high performance and max efficiency you desire from a new AC unit today! Jco can help you choose the perfect air conditioner for you. We proudly serve Cottage Grove, Eugene, and the surrounding areas. Call us today for a FREE estimate!